Nibedita from Green Delta Insurance is a one stop insurance solution for safeguarding women’s economic security, personal safety and healthcare needs.
Green Delta Insurance have created Nibedita, a complete service covering female insurance and safety needs in Bangladesh. They have achieved this through a combination of broad insurance options tailormade for Bangladeshi women, a digital platform with lifestyle and healthcare information, and a mobile app that can be used in times of emergency. The app contains a panic button, which sends instant messages to friends, family and law enforcement agencies regarding the user’s whereabouts and a request for immediate help. Green Delta Insurance’s comprehensive scheme is the first female-targeted insurance product in South Asia.
Why you should care
Bangladesh’s economic growth has brought an accompanied rise in the involvement of women in the economy, which has also created new gender equality challenges. Nibedita aims to empower women throughout the country with insurance coverage and healthcare information, as well as with additional financial support including trauma allowance in case of rape, road bully, robbery, acid attacks and natural disaster cover.
How the Global Goals are addressed
Good Health and Well-Being
The Nibedita health insurance scheme offers a safety net for Bangladeshi women, who are becoming more involved in the country’s growing economy.
Gender Equality
Green Delta Insurance believe that empowering women is a prerequisite for socio-economic development of a country, and provide tailor-made packages for Bangladeshi women.