BreatheDX is a mobile kit that uses smartphone technology and low-cost sensors to diagnose pulmonary diseases.
BreatheDX is a low-cost mobile kit for diagnosing pulmonary diseases, such as asthma, tuberculosis and pneumonia, which are some of the leading causes of death and disability worldwide. The platform is Android-based and consists of an electronic stethoscope and corresponding software that analyzes lung sounds and patient questionnaire responses in order to provide diagnostic feedback to the physician or healthcare worker. The diagnostic kit will cost less than $30 and can be deployed in communities without access to physicians, helping to screen patients and identify which patients need to travel to hospitals for follow-up testing.
Pulmonary diseases are presenting an increasing global health burden and are responsible for more than 14% of deaths worldwide. These diseases are concentrated in the developing world, where patients do not often have access to physicians, or physicians are untrained in the diagnosis of pulmonary diseases, meaning that these illnesses are poorly understood and frequently misdiagnosed and under-diagnosed. BreatheDX addresses these issues by offering a low-cost, easy-to use method to screen for pulmonary diseases so that they can be properly treated and managed.
How the Global Goals are addressed
Good Health and Well-Being
By developing an affordable and easy to use mobile kit, diagnosing and monitoring respiratory diseases in rural areas will become simpler, helping to increase population health.
Reduced Inequalities
Reducing respiratory linked mortality and extending life expectancy can catalyze increased productivity and reduce social inequalities.
Partnerships for the Goals
This collaboration between MIT and the Chest Research Foundation in India is an example of a partnership that is spreading technological innovations to address a global health problem.