Zilok has developed a peer-to-peer platform with a critical mass of users and businesses renting out private products to generate extra income and better use their resources.

The trouble with the rental of private products is connecting those with products with the people who are willing to rent them. Zilok’s platform and algorithm for peer-to-peer rental makes it easy to rent anything from a sewing machine to a kayak. Zilok has achieved a critical mass of people and businesses renting out their private products, making the selection on the website reflect a wide variety of products from a range of locations in the United States and three countries in Europe. It is a safe way for people to earn extra income, with Zilok charging a percentage of the earned amount to sustain their business.

Why you should care

The total material and environmental costs of making new products are often more than we think. For instance, a mobile phone has a total material cost of around 75 kilograms of raw materials. This solution enables people to easily rent and lend their belongings, changing consumption patterns towards owning fewer products, and thus reducing demand for new raw materials to be extracted or processed.

How the Global Goals are addressed

Responsible Consumption and Production

Zilok encourages people and businesses to make more efficient use of their resources and helps them to reduce their own product consumption levels.

Climate Action

The sharing economy can lead to reductions demand for new goods, and their associated production, helping to slow down global CO2 emissions.