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The mission of the Next Leaders’ Initiative for Sustainability (NELIS) is to connect, inspire and empower a new generation of sustainability leaders across the world.
The original idea behind NELIS was that there is an urgent need in the world for “next generation leadership,” which integrates social and environmental considerations into decision-making regardless of whether we are talking of agriculture, business, urban planning, politics, education, health or other sectors of society. Without the willingness to give sustainability considerations at least equal weighting with other priorities, it is unlikely that humanity will be able to flourish in co-existence with other species on Earth. It seems equally unlikely that an entirely new approach to leadership and decision-making will be realized top-down from within the institutions and structures of present national and/or international bodies or organizations.
NELIS argues that only by linking a new generation of sustainability practitioners across the world in a collaborative network, will humanity be able to shift towards a more humane and ecologically sound model of social and economic development. NELIS works Towards One World in Harmony.


Headquarters Shiga-ken, Japan
Founded 2015
Organisation type Sustainability Strategy Company
UN Global Compact
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The UN Global Compact aims to mobilise a global movement of sustainable companies and stakeholders.
To make this happen, the UN Global Compact supports companies to:
- Do business responsibly by aligning their strategies and operations with Ten Principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption; and
- Take strategic actions to advance broader societal goals, such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals, with an emphasis on collaboration and innovation.
The UN Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative with 13,000 participants and other stakeholders across 170 countries.

Headquarters 685 3rd Ave, New York, USA
Founded 2000
Organisation type United Nations Initiative
Member solutions
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At Sustainia we work with companies, cities and organisations alike to help them develop successful sustainability strategies, amplify their sustainability brand and communications efforts, and build mindset transforming digital tools.
As one of the world’s leading communicators of sustainable solutions, we have clients and collaborators from all corners of the world. From international organisations, such as the UN Global Compact, C40, and the Asian Development Bank, to cities, municipalities and companies in all sizes.
Based in Copenhagen, we are 15 professionals with combined and extensive experience in sustainability, climate change, project management, analysis, communication, user experience and graphic design – not forgetting a passion for building a sustainable world.
Check out our open positions
We keep all of our positions up to date on so keep checking for all opportunities to join the team.

Headquarters Langelinie Allé 47
Founded 2009
Company type Private company
Company size 15 employees
Nothing found.
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Realdania is a member-based philanthropic organisation, that use their equity returns to support projects in the built environment: cities, buildings, and the built heritage. The focus of their philanthropic activities is directly linked to their history as a mortgage-credit institution.
Working as a catalyst for change, Realdania initiates projects that address the structural challenges facing the built environment and society.

Headquarters Jarmers Plads 2, Copenhagen, Denmark
Founded 2000
Company type Private philanthropic association
Company size 30 employees

Klima 100
Klima100 proves that the green transition can happen on all levels, and that the municipalities have a crucial role to play in creating Denmark’s green future.
Innovation Norway

Innovation Norway
Public instrument for Norwegian innovation and industry development
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Innovation Norway is the Norwegian Government’s most important instrument for innovation and development of Norwegian enterprises and industry. They support companies in developing their competitive advantage and to enhance innovation.
Innovation Norway creates value by stimulating to profitable business development throughout Norway. Their programmes and services are intended to create more successful entrepreneurs, more enterprises with capacity for growth and more innovative business clusters in Norway.

Innovation Norway
Headquarters Norway
Founded 2004
Company type State-owned
Company size +500 employees

"Norway has partnered with United Nations Global Compact, DNV GL and Sustainia, and maintains close ties to The Global Opportunity Explorer.
Håkon Haugli CEO Innovation Norway
Photo: Esben Johansen
Sustainable Asset Management
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Global Opportunity Explorer
2019 Insights
A celebration of on-going activities on the Global Opportunity Explorer
The Storebrand PLUS Fund is a sustainability-driven, low-risk alternative to traditional equity fund management for ecologically-conscious capital.
Developed to champion global sustainability within the world of asset management, Storebrand’s PLUS fund is a fossil-free equity fund modeled around index- and risk factor-based management strategies, channeling assets towards green projects. It is guided by elaborate sustainability requirements: the Storebrand Standard and the extended PLUS criteria.
We believe fossil free strategies are a powerful tool, helping to shift billions away from investments without a longterm future, and into attractive investments with a positive climate impact.
Jan Erik Saugestad – CEO, Storebrand Asset Management
The Storebrand Standard process complies with UN Global Compact standards and is supported by a portmanteau of Scandinavian and international organizations (Fossilfritt Sverige, UNEP Finance Initiative, Transparency International…). In effect, it prevents any company violating international norms and conventions from being listed.
The PLUS criteria exclude companies that are part of the weaponry, alcohol, gambling, pornography, tobacco, as well as fossil fuel extraction industries, and companies with a share of sales from fossil fuels higher than 5%. Extended fossil-free criteria additionally apply, granting a higher priority to investments with specific sustainability solutions such as renewable energy and low CO2 transportation.
Why you should care
Unlike conventional equity and asset management funds who do not necessarily identify positive environmental impact as a key tenet of their investments, the Storebrand PLUS Fund model prioritises investment via thoroughly-supported and comprehensive sustainability criteria, whilst offering full transparency over the selection process. In doing so, it actively supports businesses and companies engaged in addressing UN Global Goals, furthering well-needed ethical practice within the financial sector.
How the Global Goals are addressed
Clean Water and Sanitation
Storebrand invests in organisations and projects that use integrated water resources management and contribute to healthier drinking water supplies.
Affordable and Clean Energy
The PLUS Fund invests almost exclusively in fossil-free organisations, who direct a significant share to renewable energy projects.
Decent Work and Economic Growth
By investing in projects and organisations with high sustainability standards, Storebrand supports the creation of high quality jobs that stimulate the green economy.
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Storebrand spearheads a sustainable alternative within an industry that needs change, showcasing innovative climate-conscious solutions.
Climate Action
Storebrand engages in the financing of sustainability-driven projects and organisations, and influences companies to further develop their sustainability strategies.