Applied Separations uses supercritical fluids in textile dyeing to eliminate the need for water and reduce the energy required to dye textiles.
Employing supercritical fluids technology in textile dyeing has the potential to revolutionise the textile industry. This waterless solution not only conserves a valuable and diminishing resource, it also uses less energy than traditional water-based textile dyeing.
Applied separations is excited to help reinvent the textile industry. Green is not just a colour.
Rolf Schalke – President and CEO, Applied Separations Inc
Why you should care
The textile industry is a major consumer of water, where a dye to water ratio of 1:30 is common. Applied Separations’ supercritical fluids technology is viable and they offer three supercritical fluid solutions depending on the size of production.
How the Global Goals are addressed
Clean Water and Sanitation
Integrating this technology into mainstream cotton production could save billions of liters of water, which can instead be used for drinking, sanitation and agriculture.
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Applied Separations employs urban residents and trains those with minimal education to perform the detailed and technical tasks needed. Roughly 50% of the workforce are local.
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
Applied Separations claims that the use of supercritical fluids in textile dyeing will require 50% less energy and 50% fewer chemicals, making the process more efficient and sustainable.
Responsible Consumption and Production
Producing cotton sustainably has been a challenge for many years. New technology such as supercritical fluids could help to reduce the environmental footprint produced by the industry.