Global biosciences company Chr. Hansen’s product FreshQ, creates natural food cultures to preserve shelf life and reduce food waste of yoghurts and dairies.

FreshQ® is a revolutionary product that uses natural bioprotective food cultures to delay spoilage from contaminants such as yeast and molds in dairies, especially yogurt. Through using natural bio culture, they offer a safe solution based on traditional principles of fermentation. FreshQ therefore helps to naturally extend shelf life and lower food waste without any use of artificial preservatives or chemicals. As the bio culture is completely natural, it won’t add ingredients to the dairy product nor reduce quality. The product’s bioprotection enhances the effectiveness of a good sanitation programme, hygiene and cold chains.

Why you should care

As global value chains expand and product export destinations move further away, perishable products like dairy with relatively short shelf lives are contributing to higher levels of food waste. In fact, 17% of all yogurt goes to waste and 80% of total yogurt waste happens because its use-by-date expired somewhere in the supply chain.

How the Global Goals are addressed

Good Health and Well-Being

FreshQ’s use of food cultures to preserve yogurt instead of artificial preservatives or chemicals means people will be more likely to consume perishable items like yogurt that are healthy and provide valuable nutrients. It will also reduce the amount of chemicals the general public are consuming on a daily basis.

Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

CHR Hansen have used scientific research and technology to make yogurt manufacturing and distribution reduces waste and increases product sustainability through developing natural biocultures that increase shelf life.

Responsible Consumption and Production

By preserving shelf life of yogurts and other dairy products, FreshQ reduces food waste and keeps the products natural and free of preservatives.


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