Klima 100

For the first time ever, 100 of the best climate solutions from Danish municipalities have been collected in one place. Klima100 presents the most innovative examples of how Danish communities are mitigating and adapting to climate change, while working towards a greener future.

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Inspirational climate solutions of the day

Stream Reopening Creates New Urban Space

By reopening the stream, Østerå, a new recreational blue-green zone is created through Aalborg, making the city more robust against extreme rain events.

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"At Realdania we focus on helping progressive, ambitious and visionary cities across the world share knowledge and ideas for sustainable urban development"

Jesper Nygaard CEO Realdania

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"If it was easy, we would have done it. This is hard, so we need to do it together."

Pelle Lind Bournonville Head of Projects Realdania

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The Klima100 publication

The 100 projects help municipalities adapt to and mitigate against climate change, ranging from energy efficiency measures and nature conservation to flood protection and ambitious climate plans that show the way to a fossil free future. Klima100 guides from the wind-blown coasts through the creeks and streams to solar parks and recycling centers, through the narrow streets and wide boulevards to the patios and backyards.

Klima100 proves that the green transition can happen on all levels, and that the municipalities have a crucial role to play in creating Denmark’s green future.

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