Residents in the small town of Vester Nebel will be able to connect their houses to a local ground source heat pump network instead of using natural gas.
How can we provide green heating to villages outside district heating networks? With Vester Nebel’s new collective heat pump system, the Kolding Municipality offers a solution. In cooperation with TREFOR, the municipality has set up ground source heat pumps, which can supply up to 70 homes with stable geothermal energy. The energy is provided at a subscription price corresponding to the cost of district heating in the rest of the municipality. The geothermal plant supplies 240-320 kW, enabling residents to wash their dishes in approximately 50-degrees celsius hot water.
Instead of oil-fired-boilers, which are a prominent heating solution in rural areas, or natural gas, which heats a large part of Vester Nebel, the residents of the 70 newly built houses can take a hot shower with a more sustainable heat source. The heat pumps are powered by the Danish electricity supply, which already consists of more than 50% renewable energy. The collective plant proves that even the houses located outside the established district heating network can have access to reliable, sustainable, and cheap heating.

The heat pump system consists of three circuits and can supply 240 kW with a peak and reserve load of 320 kW.
How the Global Goals are addressed

Affordable and Clean Energy
The energy-efficient, collective heat pump system is powered by the Danish electricity grid. The grid already consists of more than 50% renewable energy, most of which comes from wind turbines.

Sustainable Cities and Communities
With cost, efficiency, and sustainability as core aims, Kolding Municipality has solved a local energy challenge with climate-friendly heating infrastructure, which can easily be replicated by other communities.

Partnerships for the Goals
Kolding Municipality is part of the Energy Alliance, a collaboration between the Triangle Region municipalities, which shares knowledge about green energy solutions such as this.