Coast to Coast Climate Challenge (C2C CC) is a knowledge platform and a series of projects for climate adaptation running across multiple Danish municipalities.
The 31 partners of Coast to Coast Climate Challenge (C2C CC) have joined forces to create a climate-resilient region at the forefront of handling the consequences of climate change. Crossing municipal and regional borders, the project represents a unique example of collaboration, coordination and knowledge sharing about a communal climate change adaptation agenda.
The project, which has a total budget of approximately 12 million EUR, is part of the EU LIFE framework. The project is anchored in cross-sectoral subprojects and 17 local demonstrations projects, all dealing with climate change and other environmental challenges. Projects are by nature highly interdisciplinary and public-private cooperation is encouraged, so that successful projects have the opportunity to exhibit their solutions and inspire more partnerships.

C2C CC aims to create resilient cities in a climate robust region, based on long-term strategy and collaboration.
Through workshops and partnership meetings with the firms, the C2C CC works on making water a resource in the solutions that will be a part of creating sustainable regional development. One of the 17 local demonstration projects is the AquaGlobe project in Skanderborg, supporting research, communication and development of water-related sustainability projects.
How the Global Goals are addressed

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Coast to Coast Climate Challenge focuses on identifying areas for innovation by facilitating development workshops on products, competencies and concepts for sustainable water management.

Climate Action
The project is addressing climate risks, integrating solutions to climate change challenges, building capacity and sharing knowledge across municipalities, regions and countries.

Partnerships for the Goals
Cooperation is key for the C2C CC project, with partners from 18 different municipalities, 8 utility companies and 4 knowledge institutions all working together.