Opower’s cloud software platform uses big data to provide utilities with an opportunity to engage customers in improving their energy efficiency. 

Opower uses a combination of a cloud-based platform, big data, and behavioural science to provide consumers with a simple but informative source of energy usage information. In many countries, utilities are faced with an obligation to encourage energy efficiency, and Opower’s app helps to do so while also improving customer relationships.

Utilities use Opower’s software platform to deliver key customer-facing applications that provide accessible money-saving information, reduce energy demand, and improve customer perception of the utility. Opower’s software analyzes energy data and presents personalized insights to consumers via the Web and through text, phone, and mail communications in order to motivate reductions in energy consumption.

Opower helps utilities transform the way the communicate with their customers. 

Dan Yates – CEO and Founder, Opower.

Opower is showing households their energy efficiency and usage compared to their neighbours. This method has turned out to be effective in motivating people to save energy.

Why you should care

Using behavioral science and data to drive reductions in energy consumption, Opower states that they have enabled savings of over 11 billion KWh of energy, $1 billion in bill savings for customers and over 5.8 million tons of CO2 savings.

How the Global Goals are addressed

Responsible Consumption and Production

When customers are informed about their energy usage, they are more likely to make changes. Opower tap into behavioral science to promote responsible energy consumption.

Climate Action

Energy efficiency is an important tool for mitigating climate change and Opower estimate to have saved their customers over 5.8 billion kgs of CO2 through energy savings.
