Green Box is a youth engagement lab in Pakistan, focusing on achieving SDG 4.7 by educating and engaging Pakistan’s youth on sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles.
By collaborating with public, private, non-governmental and academic institutions in Pakistan, Green Box aims to encourage youth engagement for sustainable development, particularly in line with SDG 4.7 – a specific target from the framework that was found to be particularly lagging in Pakistan by a UNESCO progress report.
SDG target 4.7 stipulates that by 2030, all learners should acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development. Green Box aims to do this by educating the youth on sustainable development, sustainable lifestyles, global citizenship, and the appreciation of culture’s contribution to sustainable development. The social enterprise runs workshops throughout the year, and also works with companies to develop corporate sustainability youth engagement events.
One of the company’s initiatives – ‘The Partner Fellowship’ in Pakistan – was launched in 2018 ,with 30 young social changemakers. The fellowship will co-create and coordinate social movements which will help enable sustainable thinking in Pakistan. All 30 young social changemakers are working on projects with a minimum impact of engaging 200 community members.
Why you should care
UNESCO has stressed the importance of educating people and equipping them with the right skills to be able to act on the global challenges that climate change will bring. Education on sustainable development is important to allow people to be engaged in shaping climate resilient societies.
How the Global Goals are addressed
Quality Education
Green Box has so far engaged 1000 young students between the age of 13-18 in their program Footprint | Community Building Toolbox.