With no up­front costs, Green Charge’s bat­tery-driven en­ergy stor­age solu­tion helps large en­ergy users re­duce costs as­so­ci­ated with peak power de­mand charges.

Green Charge provides cus­tom­ers with an en­ergy stor­age plat­form com­bin­ing scal­able, cloud-based big data ana­lyt­ics soft­ware with bat­tery stor­age sys­tems, all with no capital outlay, as in­stall­a­tion and main­ten­ance costs are covered by Green Charge. The sys­tem mon­it­ors a fa­cil­ity’s elec­tri­city us­age on a second-by-second basis, storing surplus power in lithium-ion batteries for use when the de­mand for grid power spikes and prices soar.

The fin­an­cial sav­ings ob­tained through en­ergy stor­age, which, ac­cord­ing to the com­pany, rep­res­ent 20% to 50% of a monthly elec­tric bill, are shared between Green Charge and cus­tom­ers. Green Charge’s port­fo­lio of projects totals more than 45 MWh, with cur­rent cus­tom­ers in­clud­ing mu­ni­cip­al­it­ies, school dis­tricts, re­tail­ers, in­dus­trial fa­cil­it­ies, and multi-unit hous­ing.

We strive to provide affordable and scalable energy storage for schools, retail, commercial and industrial businesses, delivering the next frontier in energy savings.

Vic Shao – CEO, Green Charge.

Why you should care

En­ergy stor­age can make an im­port­ant con­tri­bu­tion to de­coup­ling de­mand and sup­ply, mak­ing it easier to in­teg­rate vari­able re­new­able en­ergy sources such as rooftop solar photo­vol­taic pan­els or elec­tric vehicles. Green Charge of­fers a no-cost op­por­tun­ity to en­hance en­ergy stor­age ca­pa­city, mak­ing car­bon-free elec­tri­city gen­er­a­tion even more at­tract­ive. The com­pany is part­ner­ing with Duke En­ergy/​REC on solar, ChargePoint on EV char­ging, and Nis­san on second-life bat­ter­ies, al­low­ing a com­bin­a­tion of en­ergy stor­age and clean en­ergy.

How the Global Goals are addressed

Affordable and clean energy
By offering a finance scheme with no upfront costs and reducing dependence on traditional fossil fuels, Green Charge helps improve access to clean and affordable energy.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Energy storage reduces pressure on the grid at times of peak demand, and also encourages increased use of more clean, innovative technology.

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Global Goals addressed

Deployed in: North America
Developed in: United States of America
Stage: Full implementation