The unique properties of Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) could be key for a number of sustainable initiatives, but until now their manufacturing has proved energy and resource intensive. ACSYNAM are changing that by using CO2 as a feedstock in an innovative process.

ACSYNAM specialises in manufacturing Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) in a way that is safer and more sustainable than energy intensive conventional processes. MOFs are compounds that are often highly porous and have a large internal surface area – like an ordinary kitchen sponge – making them ideal for storing particles and gases. As a result, they have been touted as an important tool for storing and transporting clean fuels, carbon sequestration, and air filtering.

MOFs are expected to become central to a number of green applications, including carbon capture, storage and transportation of methane and hydrogen for energy, and air filtration to remove pollutants like sulfur dioxide. However, it is challenging to scale up MOF production using conventional methods due to high costs, energy intensity and the generation of toxic waste. Therefore, by developing a versatile and low-resource manufacturing process, ACSYNAM can accelerate the realisation of the many expected benefits of MOFs.

Why you should care

ACSYNAM produces MOFs using supercritical CO2, the fluid state of carbon dioxide where it is held above its critical temperature and pressure. Conventionally, MOFs have been manufactured using large volumes of corrosive chemicals and toxic solvents, requiring significant amounts of energy and heat. In addition, these processes are time consuming and have presented issues with quality and uniformity. Supercritical CO2 is a highly versatile substance, and due to its responsiveness to changes in heat and temperature conditions, it can be easily tuned to create to a range of structurally diverse MOFs. It can be used under mild temperatures, and generates no waste products. Using scCO2 is therefore not only safer for people and the planet, but also represents an opportunity to make use of excess atmospheric CO2.

How the Global Goals are addressed

Affordable and clean energy

The efficient and sustainable production of MOFs can accelerate the adoption of these compounds for the storage and transportation of clean energy sources like hydrogen.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Utilising CO2 as a feedstock to produce MOFs can help to make manufacturing plants more resource efficient and sustainable.

Responsible production and consumption

ACSYNAM’s clean manufacturing process reduces reliance on harsh chemicals, eliminates toxic waste, and presents a useful application for excess atmospheric CO2.


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