Piramal Sarvajal’s solar powered water-dispensing ATMs deliver clean drinking water to poorly-connected communities throughout India.
Through its water-dispensing ATMs, Piramal Sarvajal delivers clean drinking water to more than 300,000 people every day across twelve Indian states. Customers purchase the water with pay-as-you-go smart cards, and since the water-dispensing ATMs are solar powered and connected to the internet, the company is able to remotely monitor water quality and track customer transactions. Alongside their 180 water-dispensing ATMs, the company has built and manages more than 390 water purification units.
Piramal Sarvajal operates under a franchise-based business model, meaning all ATMs and purification units are operated by local community members employed under the system. Water is priced affordably, at a fraction of the cost of bottled water, and the system’s convenience makes accessing safe water hassle-free.
Why you should care
Seventy-six million Indians do not have access to clean water, a major contributing factor to the 140,000 child deaths each year from diarrheal diseases. By making safe and clean water more accessible and affordable, Piramal Sarvajal’s water-dispensing ATMs provide a crucial service to poorly connected, rural populations in India.
How the Global Goals are addressed
Good Health and Well-Being
An estimated 3.2 million people die each year from contaminated water. Improving water access and quality through simple and affordable solutions could reduce this.
Gender Equality
According to the company, rural Indian women spend 700 hours each year collecting water. Bringing clean water to communities frees up valuable time for other activities.
Clean Water and Sanitation
A solar powered water ATM offers safe drinking water to local communities, and it removes harmful fluorides and pathogenic bacteria from the water.
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Access to water can stimulate economic activity by reducing diseases and time spent collecting water. The ATM has contributed to a $4 million boost of the local economy.