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Global Opportunity Explorer2019 Insights
A celebration of on-going activities on the Global Opportunity Explorer
Aqutonix is a water efficiency enhancement technology that facilitates the absorption of the water in plants’ roots, reducing water consumption and boosting yields.
Due to water’s chemical properties, molecules tend to group together in ‘clusters’ which have to be broken down by the plant before the individual molecules can be absorbed through the roots’ cell walls. Aqutonix facilitates water absorption through exposure to a high voltage electric field which breaks the clusters down, making individual molecules available to plants. Increasing absorption rates means that less water is required, resulting in water savings for farmers. What’s more, the product increases the photosynthetic efficiency of plants – because the water molecules are broken down before they are consumed by the plant, it leaves the plant more energy for photosynthesis. This process has been shown to increase yields by up to 43%.
The device is compatible with existing commercial irrigation systems, making it easy to install. Although it runs on electricity, it requires very little, around 500 watts per hour. The company expects that savings on water usage will make up for the extra energy costs, and may reduce them overall if farms have to irrigate less.
Why you should care
Agriculture is currently responsible for 70% of global freshwater consumption. What’s more, agricultural run-off from inefficient irrigation and excessive use of fertilisers and pesticides can contaminate groundwater and freshwater sources. Aqutonix can help overcome these issues by cutting water consumption and reliance on agricultural chemicals.
How the Global Goals are addressed
Zero hunger
Aqutonix has reported increased yields of up to 43%. Improving crop yields can help to bolster global food supplies.
Clean water and sanitation
Enhancing water absorption can reduce problematic water consumption in the agricultural sector. Avoiding chemical run-off can also prevent the contamination of potable water sources.