The Norwegian Business School is moving towards a sustainable future through their educational programmes as well as the buildings on campus.

All The BI Norwegian Business School’s campuses are already Eco-Lighthouse certified and by the end of 2019 all conferences at BI can be organized in accordance with the requirements set by the Norwegian Environmental Agency for green conferences.

Going with geothermal

Campus Oslo gets all its heating and cooling from Nydalen Energy Central (geothermal). The BI Norwegian Business School’s new Campus Trondheim is already certified as BREEAM NOR Excellent. The main part of the energy consumption comes from renewable energy.

The proportion of renewable energy at BI’s Environmental Campus in Stavanger will also be superior to 70% and will be certified as BREEAM NOR Excellent.

"We believe it is important for BI Norwegian School of Management to take a stand and be a good example for business and industry, and for our students. We need to share knowledge as we become a major operator in the field of eco-friendly conferences"
Henrik Thorsen, team leader at the Events Department.

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