Greengame’s app uses gamification to encourage sustainable lifestyle choices for individuals. It provides a platform for companies, universities and municipalities to reward individuals for making responsible choices.

Changing our most ingrained behaviours can be a complex challenge. Realising this, the tech startup Greengame have combined technology and behavioural economics to create an app where gamified challenges incentivise sustainable decision making.

The smartphone-based app detects day-to-day choices such as transportation, eating habits, energy usage and other consumption choices. It collects data using smartphone sensors, connecting with other apps and your email account. For instance, it will review the email receipt of your Tesco or Ocado order, and award you points for reducing meat consumption and single-use plastic bottles, or for choosing seasonal fruit and vegetables. Users can use those points to compete in challenges created by the start-up’s partner organisations, and win rewards.

Cities, companies, universities and non-government organisations can partner with Greengame by creating their own challenges within the app to engage employees or the public. For example, a municipality may choose to run a ‘Sustainable Citizen’ challenge, where the winner might receive a discount on their municipal fees, and citizens who exceed a certain threshold of Green Points may receive public transport credits.

Why you should care

Greengame is a tech and social impact startup based in the UK. They are currently rolling out Greengame in the UK, before expanding to overseas markets.

How the Global Goals are addressed

Sustainable cities and communities
Greengame supplies an innovative platform for cities to encourage citizens to make more sustainable choices such as recycling more, increasing active travel and use of public transport.

Responsible consumption and production
Greengame creates incentives for users to consume sustainably, from buying upcycled fashion and organic products, to reducing meat consumption and single-use plastics.