The Solar Suitcase developed by We Care Solar is a compact and durable solar electric system for medical lighting, mobile communications and powering essential medical devices.
The Solar Suitcase is a solar-powered portable power unit that provides health workers with highly efficient medical lighting and power for mobile communication, laptop computers and small medical devices. It is mainly used to enable safe and timely obstetric care, which improves maternal health and neonatal outcomes. We Care Solar supports its technology with educational programs that build local capacity, giving health workers the tools and training necessary to provide life-saving care.
The Solar Suitcase can be used in a range of medical and humanitarian settings, and approximately 1,700 units have been deployed to 30 countries, helping to deliver over 600,000 babies to date in rural hospitals and homes.
We Care Solar provides essential light and power for maternal health care , allowing childbirth to be a joyful event.
Dr Laura Stachel, Co-Founder and Executive Director, We Care Solar
Why you should care
Preventable deaths during pregnancy and childbirth claim 830 lives a day, with 99% of all these deaths occurring in developing countries. Healthcare facilities lacking reliable lighting to support safe deliveries contribute greatly to the problem. Without electricity, doctors are often forced to cancel surgery sessions or conduct surgery by flashlight, and midwives struggle to deliver babies by light from kerosene lanterns or candles. The Solar Suitcase addresses these urgent needs.
How the Global Goals are addressed
Good health and well-being
Improved, reliable and portable lighting and medical equipment for pre, during and post childbirth in developing countries can save the lives of women and newborn babies.
Affordable and clean energy
According to We Care Solar, a Solar Suitcase provides significant cost savings for a healthcare facility by offsetting the costs of electricity, kerosene lanterns and generator fuel.
Reduced inequalities
Innovations such as the Solar Suitcase help to address inequalities in access to and quality of reproductive, maternal, and newborn health care services.
Climate action
When replacing a diesel generator, each Solar Suitcase averts eight tons of CO2 per year, according to We Care Solar. They estimate to have saved around 19,000 tons of CO2 emissions thanks to the Solar Suitcase.