The DayOne Waterbag is a water purification backpack to easily collect, treat, store, and transport water in areas lacking clean water.
The Waterbag, which holds up to 10L of water, can provide a family of four with clean drinking water for up to two months. It is compact when empty and can therefore be distributed in large quantities to disaster zones. When full it can be worn as a backpack for easy transportation while the water is being cleaned as the process takes around 30 minutes. To clean the water, the Proctor & Gamble patented Purifier of Water powder is added into the contaminated water as the powder along with the Waterbag filter provide protection from the leading causes of diarrheal diseases.

The Waterbag removals meet the emergency drinking water guidelines set by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the World Health Organization. For every Waterbag bought through their website, DayOne Response provides 600L of clean drinking water for disaster response efforts.
Since launching in 2010, the Waterbag has been deployed in over 20 countries in partnership with various US Government and relief organisations. Waterbags have been distributed in multiple relief efforts including the Nepal earthquake in 2015, cholera preparedness in Ghana, Uganda refugee communities, and the Philippines typhoon.
Why you should care
The World Health Organization estimates that contaminated drinking water causes 502,000 diarrheal deaths every year.
How the Global Goals are addressed

No Poverty
The DayOne Waterbag can contribute to reducing vulnerability of the poor during extreme climate events. DayOne Response provided 3,000 Waterbags for those in need in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey in Texas.

Clean Water and Sanitation
After the earthquake in Nepal, DayOne Response distributed 2,500 Waterbags, enough to provide water for 10,000 people.

Climate Action
DayOne Response improves resilience to climate change by providing Waterbags to communities affected by climate disaster.